

CSI Pod :: Episode 3 – Under the radar class of 2021, Mr. Basketball Episode 3 - Under the radar class of 2021, Mr. Basketball process Zac Tyler and Jim Reamer start talking the cancellation of the all-star games. 4:12 - Anthony Leal is Mr. Basketball, there is no "snubbing" when it's a vote 10:15 - The rest of the pod is focused on the class...

CSI Pod :: Episode 2 – 2020 Indiana All-stars You can listen to our podcast on your mobile device via Sound Cloud.  We are working on other platforms. Episode 2 - 2020 Indiana All-stars Zak Tyler and Jim Reamer talk about the newly released Indiana All-star team. Since this was the planned subject before the team was released, they kept...

CSI Pod :: Episode 1 – Unfinished Business

Shownotes: Episode 1 - Unfinished Business (1h38m) Zak Tyler and Jim Reamer sort out the remainder of the state tournament, picking Regional, Semi-State and State finals winners. 1A - 3:40 2A - 13:43 3A - 26:08 4A - 45:02 1:12:00 Junior All-star team talk, including some guys who didn't make it. 1:24:00 Players we'd like to see...