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Tag: Brody Whitaker

Episode 48 – Carmel suffers first loss; Another 4A power will follow

https://soundcloud.com/user-631682546/episode-48-carmel-suffers-first-loss-another-4a-power-will-follow   PREPEND: Recruiting update, update Zak Tyler updates us on recruiting news, then Zak and Jim Reamer discuss the Caedmon Bontrager transfer to Elevation Prep. Weekly Features: Best...

Game Takes: Greencastle 60, Sullivan 50

Sullivan started out well early, and after Greencastle narrowed the initial gap, the rest of the game was Greencastle would surge, Sullivan would catch...

POTW: December 21-December 26

Typically a stats based designation, but the caliber of the opponent is often part of it, and winning plays a role too.  All of...