Home Game Center Game CenterGame Previews Game Previews: Sectional Pick’ems! By Jim R - March 2, 2021 FacebookTwitterReddIt During our Sectional Previews Podcasts, Zak and Jim were joined by Nick Baumgart, Joey Bennett and Eric Gardner to predict winners and discuss all the contenders. (Joey had to duck out midway through the 3A -- date night!!!) We'll see how we do! Here are the podcast links too: 1A/2A | 3A/4A Baumgart Gardner Reamer Tyler Bennett 1 Gary West Gary West Gary West Gary West 2 Chesterton Valparaiso Valparaiso Chesterton 3 South Bend Adams South Bend Adams South Bend Adams South Bend Adams 4 Northridge Warsaw Northridge Warsaw 5 Snider Carroll Carroll Snider 6 Homestead Homestead Homestead Homestead 7 Lafayette Jeff Lafayette Jeff Lafayette Jeff Lafayette Jeff 8 Carmel Carmel Carmel Carmel 9 New Palestine New Palestine Mt. Vernon New Palestine 10 Cathedral Lawrence North Warren Central Cathedral 11 Ben Davis Ben Davis Ben Davis Ben Davis 12 Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield 13 Center Grove Center Grove Center Grove Center Grove 14 Bloomington South Bloomington North Bloomington South Bloomington South 15 Jeffersonville New Albany New Albany New Albany 16 Evansville North Evansville Reitz Castle Castle 17 Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond 18 New Prairie Hanover Central New Prairie New Prairie Hanover Central 19 Mishawaka Marian Mishawaka Marian Mishawaka Marian Mishawaka Marian Mishawaka Marian 20 Western Western Western West Lafayette Twin Lakes 21 Northwood Northwood Northwood Northwood Northwood 22 Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo 23 Mississinewa Mississinewa Mississinewa Mississinewa Mississinewa 24 Hamilton Heights Hamilton Heights Hamilton Heights Delta Hamilton Heights 25 Greencastle Greencastle Greencastle Greencastle Greencastle 26 Northview Northview Northview Northview Northview 27 Guerin Catholic Guerin Catholic Guerin Catholic Guerin Catholic 28 Beech Grove Beech Grove Beech Grove Beech Grove 29 Greensburg Greensburg Connversville Greensburg 30 Silver Creek Silver Creek Silver Creek Silver Creek 31 Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan 32 Heritage Hills Evansville Bosse Evansville Bosse Evansville Bosse 33 Andrean Andrean Andrean Andrean Andrean 34 Boone Grove LaVille LaVille Boone Grove Boone Grove 35 Central Noble Central Noble Central Noble Central Noble Central Noble 36 FW Blackhawk FW Blackhawk FW Blackhawk FW Blackhawk FW Blackhawk 37 Rochester Rochester Lewis Cass Rochester Rochester 38 Clinton Prairie Rossville Carroll Carroll Rossville 39 Blackford Blackford Madison-Grant Madison-Grant Blackford 40 Winchester Wapahani Winchester Wapahani Winchester 41 Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah 42 Park Tudor Covenant Christian Covenant Christian University Covenant Christian 43 Parke Heritage Parke Heritage Parke Heritage Parke Heritage Parke Heritage 44 South Ripley South Ripley South Ripley South Ripley South Ripley 45 Southwestern Southwestern Southwestern Southwestern Southwestern 46 Perry Central Perry Central Paoli Paoli Perry Central 47 Linton Linton Linton Linton Linton 48 South Spencer Southridge South Spencer Southridge South Spencer 49 Kouts Kouts Kouts Kouts Kouts 50 Triton Argos Argos Argos Argos 51 Fremont Elkhart Christian Elkhart Christian Fremont Elkhart Christian 52 North White North White North White North White North White 53 Southwood Southwood Southwood Southwood Southwood 54 LCC Covington Covington LCC Covington 55 Cowan Liberty Christian Cowan Liberty Christian Cowan 56 Blue River Blue River Blue River Blue River Blue River 57 Bloomfield Bloomfield Bloomfield North Central Bloomfield 58 Indy Metro International International International Bethesda Christian 59 Tindley Tindley Tindley Tindley Lutheran 60 Morristown Morristown Morristown Morristown Morristown 61 Borden Lanesville Rock Creek Borden Borden 62 Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh 63 Barr-Reeve Barr-Reeve Barr-Reeve Barr-Reeve North Daviess 64 Evansville Day Evansville Day NE Dubois Evansville Day NE Dubois RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Game Previews: Wednesday, January 22 Game Previews: January 21, 2025 Game Previews: Tuesday, December 17